What you need to know
The 2017 Involvement Conference was another opportunity for the people we support to be empowered, learn something new and have their voices heard.
Since the first Involvement Conference four years ago things have changed a lot. More people are being supported to attend, with nearly 50 in 2017, and the people we support are playing an even more hands-on role in the conference itself. This year it was hosted entirely by two people we support; Matt and Andrew.
This wasn't just a chance for people we support to speak up and tell us how they want the organisation to be run, it was also a chance for individuals to learn more about the topics they're interested in, and showcase their own work.
On day one, people we support had chosen the topics for two powerful presentations to be delivered by industry experts. The first workshop was around over-medication, and the second about friendships, relationships, and finding love.
We received lots of valuable feedback which demonstrated how engaged everyone was during the conference. This feedback is incredibly important and will enable us to continue to improve and tailor our support services moving forward.
Here’s a brief summary of everything that happened at the conference, for those of you who couldn’t attend, and also our plans for what happens next.