Making friends can sometimes be difficult for a person with a disability. Social isolation is a problem that affects many.
At Walsingham Support, we encourage people with disabilities to get involved with the community, build relationships and choose activities that they want to be part of.
Our team in Wales wanted to run a fun night out that would offer adults with disabilities a safe environment to meet and socialise with new people.
In 2012, a group of Walsingham Support Locality Managers volunteered their time to organise the very first Mates and Dates evening.
The event began as a speed dating style evening but has developed to become an informal club night with music, food, drinks and occasionally a live band.
Fast forward to now, Mates and Dates is regularly attended by over 30 individuals with disabilities, with new people hearing about it and attending all the time.
Tim, a person we support, said: “I like going to have a beer, dancing and winning prizes.”
A member of the Walsingham Support staff team, said: “I think it’s good that the people we support get to socialise. When I support someone to attend they always enjoy themselves.”