When we first met Harry, we realised that while not an aggressive person, Harry could be destructive in certain situations.
To help address this we started by simply getting to know Harry really well. It became clear that the solution for Harry was to keep him focused to avoid him becoming overstimulated and reacting in a challenging way.
We collaborated with health professionals and put together a Positive Behaviour Support plan that allowed staff to identify and pre-empt the situations that triggered Harry’s challenging behaviour and support him in a way that reduces the likelihood of it happening.
The goal being to positively enhance Harry’s life.
All staff dealing with Harry were also given extra training around Positive Behaviour Support to recognise the triggers and any lapses in support that cause the behaviours.
A simple approach with real outcomes as physical interventions for Harry have dramatically reduced, improving the quality of his life.
Jeanette, the manager at Harry’s service, said:
“Harry’s quality of life is constantly improving. Harry’s grandmother believes he has grown up a lot over the past year as he’s being supported to do more in his local community by himself. Previously, when he was at a residential college, Harry was doing more group activities. His current support plan enables him to choose what he wants to do.”