Our Support
As a charity, we have been supporting individuals with learning disabilities, autism, acquired brain injuries, and complex needs for over 30 years. For each and every individual we support we jointly develop and deliver specifically tailored, person-centred support to enable each person to have a full and happy life.
We provide residential care, supported living, transition support, positive behaviour support and personalisation. Each option is tailored to the needs of the individuals we support and designed to improve life skills, strengthen relationships and encourage personal choices.
We enable each person to develop the abilities they need to move on to the next stage in their lives, all the while ensuring their support constantly evolves and adapts around them to meet their changing needs and goals.
We deliver support through...
Supported Living

Supported living services enable individuals with a disability to live independently in their own home, with appropriate support to help them manage their own tenancy and achieve greater freedom and control in their lives. Support can be provided in…
Residential Care

For people who aren’t ready or able to live independently, small-scale residential care is often a really good option. Our residential care is provided in shared accommodation where support staff are around 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We provide…
Transition Support

Our transition support is designed to help individuals enjoy a smooth transition through major life changes: for example, through the move from children’s to adult services, or from the family home or residential college to independent living.

Personalisation is an approach to social care that focuses on putting individuals at the very centre of the support and services they receive.
Direct Payments

Direct payments give individuals greater choice and control over the support they receive and how it’s provided.
Creative Learning

The Creative Learning team was established with an aim to engage adults with learning disabilities in meaningful daytime group activities.
Supported Employment

At Walsingham Support, we work with the people we support so that they achieve greater independence. Employment can help achieve this; it provides a sense of purpose, freedom, confidence and community inclusion that can enrich the lives of many of the…