Creative Learning FAQs

Online Sessions

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As a result of the current pandemic Creative Learning developed online Zoom sessions in April 2020 to ensure that we could remain open and able to offer services to the people we support. When we were able again offer face to face opportunities, we continued with the Zoom sessions to support people who were unable or preferred not to attend in person.

This has enabled us to be very responsive to new lockdowns and we can move fully to online provision as required.

Our Zoom sessions have been very successful, and we continue to improve and add to the sessions on offer via this platform. It can be applied to a range of funding (including Adult & Community Learning courses) as well as individual requirements.

What you can expect if you join an online session or your face to face session is transferred to our online learning platform:

  • The online programmes are designed to follow our normal face to face sessions as nearly as possible.
  • The sessions run for 1 hour at a time, and each activity offered has at least 3 sessions available each week. People can attend one or more of the sessions as suits them.
  • You will receive support with accessing the online learning and support, even for those with no or limited experience using computers or the internet.
  • Tablets with internet access are available for loan for those who do not have computer or internet access already.
  • Activity packs are delivered to your door to provide materials for completing the practical activities during the sessions and to continue and extend the activities once the Zoom session has ended.
  • Regular 1-1 sessions via telephone to check learning and well-being by our experienced facilitators

If you are interested in joining one of our online sessions, please contact us on 01531 670802 or by emailing

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How does it benefit me?

Creative Learning is beneficial because:

  • Taking part with others in group-based activities.
  • Developing social skills.
  • Maintaining interests and existing skills.
  • Learning new skills and information.
  • Forming new friendships and strengthening existing ones.
  • Gaining greater self-confidence.
  • Being involved in local projects and events; connecting with other local organisations and people in your community.
  • Taking next steps after formal education.
  • Preparing for possible future employment.
  • Feeling a sense of purpose and creating memories.

What activities can I do?

Currently most of our sessions are based at the Barn in Ledbury, set in the wonderful Herefordshire countryside. Here we have rooms for different activities including a well-stocked workshop and a bespoke kitchen. In The Barn you can choose to do:

  • Art and Craft: from gaining techniques to being inspired by our beautiful natural setting, these sessions help to build confidence expressing yourself through various visual media.
  • Media Skills: using tablets, laptops, desktop computers and various software you can create photos and videos, send emails, surf the web and use the internet safely to communicate with friends and family.
  • Sewing and Craft: recent projects include batik and tie-dye but our groups enjoy making collages, weaving, hand stitching and machine sewing – come and express yourself through all things fabric!
  • Domestic Skills: plan a meal, budget for it, understand food preparation and hygiene, learn a variety of cooking techniques and – saving the best for last – sample your creations yourself!

We offer sessions to encourage cooking skills for independent living and a Catering Club to prepare lunches cooked and presented for on-site staff along with your group.

  • Woodwork: we have an excellent record for making and selling products, from bug boxes to benches and everything in-between. Join us whether you are a beginner or want to build on existing skills to see how a design can become a lovely object you have helped to create.
  • Numeracy and Literacy: everyone wants to be understood! Writing your name and address, telling the time, understanding money; these are all skills that develop independence and confidence. Learn in your own style, at your own pace, discovering that these same skills help you to ‘phone a friend, enjoy a favourite book, read or write a special message in a birthday card and tell a hilarious joke.
  • Clay: have hands-on help designing and making clay items that can be decorative or useful – or both. Learn to use glaze and see how your work looks after it has been fired in our kiln here at The Barn. Some of our pieces have gone to homes near London, in Wales and even Scotland.
  • Healthy Living: an opportunity to set your own goals and get advice on ways to improve your quality of life. Find out first hand the benefits of exercise, healthy eating, mindfulness, meditation and more.
  • Morning Club: come and meet, talk and take part in activities that develop friendships and forge links with the local community. These sessions are driven by the interests of the group, who agree together which activities they want to do from month to month. Swimming, local walks, pampering, crafty fun… you name it, we do it.

Beyond the Barn our outdoor based activities positively thrive on the animal and plant life we are lucky to have surrounding us. We currently keep Ryeland sheep and a clutch of chickens. We have an orchard, fields and gardens which, come rain or shine, provide hours of fun and fresh air. You can choose to do:

  • Animals and Rural Skills: what could be better than seeing a new-born lamb? Help care for the sheep and look after the chickens in their snug enclosure. Get closer to nature by learning about the life of the land through the seasons of the farming calendar, including a taste of fresh-pressed apple juice when we harvest the orchard in the autumn.
  • Bushcraft and Ecology: unleash your inner survivor as you learn how to forage for seasonal fruits, flowers and leaves, take part in outdoor cooking and discover the important art of fire-building. Now more than ever it is important to understand and appreciate our natural habitats, including the variety of creatures and plants which live in them.
  • Gardening: Find out just how much variety goes unnoticed in our busy lives, from flowers that feed our bees to sensory plants that make humans happier. Discover the joy of propagating seeds, nurturing and helping them to grow into plants that can be enjoyed in a garden or even on the plate.

When do you run sessions?

Monday to Friday, morning and afternoon. 

Choose which sessions you are interested in and which days suit you – you can book half days or full days.

We will always try to create a personal timetable that matches your preferred choices.

Morning session: 9.30 – 12.30

Afternoon session: 1.30 – 4.30

We occasionally offer evening or weekend activities/events. These are advertised on an ad hoc basis.

Where do they take place?

At The Barn in Ledbury.

The Barn

Falcon Lane




Phone: 01531 802730

How do you run the sessions?

We aim for a low ratio of clients to the facilitator, with one facilitator to a small group (approx. 4 to 5 participants) or two to a larger group. All our sessions take place in a safe, relaxed, secure and happy setting. We have a mid-morning and a mid-afternoon break and an hour’s lunch break for clients to chat, get to know each other and enjoy socialising together.

What’s included?

Fees include session content (facilitator and basic materials). Some sessions require additional personal items like overalls or a casserole dish and a bag to carry belongings.

We provide a drink of tea, coffee or squash at breaks and lunchtime. We also recommend that you bring a water bottle to keep hydrated. You will need to bring a packed lunch if staying for the day.

Please note that we do not arrange or include transport to or from sessions and are unable to offer personal care as part of our service.

How much does it cost?

Sessions currently cost either £18 or £20 per 3-hour session, or £36/£40 for a full day.

Other support and services

Transition Support

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Personalisation is an approach to social care that focuses on putting individuals at the very centre of the support and services they receive.

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Learning Disabilities

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Acquired Brain Injuries

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Complex Needs

A person with complex needs might have one or a combination of difficulties, including profound and multiple learning disabilities, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, and challenging behaviour.

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Direct Payments

Direct payments give individuals greater choice and control over the support they receive and how it’s provided.

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Supported Living

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Residential Care

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Extra Care

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What are people saying about us?

Creative Learning is a quiet, peaceful and happy place for me. I went to college before, but I didn’t like it because it was too busy. I enjoy it at Creative Learning. I have learnt how to cook things from scratch, make things for myself in sewing and I have improved my skills in telling the time and using money – this has helped me to go to the shops on my own. I have made new friends and I enjoy spending time with them at break times

- Amy, Creative Learning Attendee