Personalisation FAQs

How does personalisation work?

The key to personalisation is listening to what people want. It sounds a simple enough exercise – but it’s valueless unless it’s used in the right way to achieve the best outcomes for everyone.

Personalisation is important on an individual level, because it ensures people with support needs access and choose services that best meet those needs. But personalisation also means involving people who use services in shaping them, by encouraging them to feed back on what works and what doesn’t.

As a result, personalisation helps us to make sure we continue to meet our vision, mission and values, supporting people with disabilities to be happy and reach their full potential.

At Walsingham Support, personalisation means:

  • working closely with an individual to provide tailored, unique, high-quality care and support
  • empowering people to put themselves at the centre of their care and support so that, as far as possible, they are in control of their lives
  • supporting people to access high-quality, reliable information to make informed choices
  • ensuring all people have equal access to a range of opportunities
  • building strong partnerships with others to support individuals whether they live at home or in the community
  • encouraging and helping individuals to take positive risks in a safe, supportive environment, to enable them to develop life-enhancing skills.

How do you make sure you embrace personalisation at Walsingham Support?

Our dedicated Personalisation team exists to make sure individuals we work with have choices in their lives and control over what happens to them, as well as having opportunities to influence and participate in what we do at an organisational level.

We take a collaborative approach, so that people feel fully included in their own care, and supported in getting involved in initiatives and projects we run aimed at encouraging people with disabilities to live independently.

Part of the Personalisation team’s job is to consult the people we support on our work, what we do well, and what needs to be improved. For example, people we support sit on our boards and committees, helping to review our organisational policies and suggest changes.

They also take part in regional involvement groups, which meet regularly to discuss elements of their care, what Walsingham Support is doing to deliver person-centred services, how the current political agenda is impacting social care, and what all this means for people with disabilities.

The outcome of personalisation is that all people with learning disabilitiesautismbrain injuries and complex needs can make positive changes to their own lives, and help to transform those of others.

How can Walsingham Support help me with personalisation?

If you, a member of your family, or someone you care for would like more information or advice, or have any questions about extra care and the options available to you, get in touch with us.

We’re here to offer guidance and support, wherever you are and whatever you need.

Call us on 0333 405 1030*

You can also fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we’ll get back to you.

* Calls are charged at your local rate, wherever you’re calling from.

Personalisation means that every person who receives support, whether provided by statutory services or funded by themselves, will have choice and control over the shape of that support in all care settings.

Department of Health

Other support and services

Transition Support

Our transition support is designed to help individuals enjoy a smooth transition through major life changes: for example, through the move from children’s to adult services, or from the family home or residential college to independent living.

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Learning Disabilities

Having a learning disability means an individual can find it harder to learn certain life skills. The problems and challenges faced by individuals with learning disabilities vary in severity, but always start before adulthood and affect them for their…

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Autism – also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – is a developmental disability that affects how a person interacts and communicates with others. It encompasses a wide range of difficulties, such as cognitive impairment, repetitive activity, sensitivity…

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Acquired Brain Injuries

An acquired brain injury (ABI) is injury or damage to the brain that can have any number of causes, such as stroke, a tumour or a road traffic accident. People with ABI have ‘acquired’ their brain injury, and weren’t born with it.

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Complex Needs

A person with complex needs might have one or a combination of difficulties, including profound and multiple learning disabilities, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, and challenging behaviour.

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Direct Payments

Direct payments give individuals greater choice and control over the support they receive and how it’s provided.

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Supported Living

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Residential Care

For people who aren’t ready or able to live independently, small-scale residential care is often a really good option. Our residential care is provided in shared accommodation where support staff are around 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We provide…

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Creative Learning

The Creative Learning team was established with an aim to engage adults with learning disabilities in meaningful daytime group activities.

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Extra Care

We provide extra care – also known assisted living – at specially developed sites that enable individuals to hold their own tenancy.

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