Home Counties
It all started for Walsingham Support in Hertfordshire in 1986 and today we are still supporting people with: learning disabilities, acquired brain injuries, autism, physical disabilities, sensory needs and challenging behaviour across Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.
We provide this support through a mixture of residential, supported living and out-reach services all designed and delivered by a team of passionate and committed staff. Staff that work with individuals, their families and carers to really understand what makes each individual tick, and develop creative, but practical, solutions that match each person’s abilities and goals.
Home Counties CQC Reports
Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England carries out inspections to ensure standards are being met. They inspect services against five criteria – whether they are Safe, Caring, Effective, Responsive and Well-led. We are pleased to say that all of our services have been given a good rating. According to CQC “Good and outstanding care is centred on the individual, has clear and visible leadership, and has processes and staff that constantly explore ways to improve.”
Our provision in the Home Counties
Residential Care
For people who aren’t ready or able to live independently, small-scale residential care is often a really good option. Our residential care is provided in shared accommodation where support staff are around 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We provide…
Supported Living
Supported living services enable individuals with a disability to live independently in their own home, with appropriate support to help them manage their own tenancy and achieve greater freedom and control in their lives. Support can be provided in…
Learning Disabilities
Having a learning disability means an individual can find it harder to learn certain life skills. The problems and challenges faced by individuals with learning disabilities vary in severity, but always start before adulthood and affect them for their…
Acquired Brain Injuries
An acquired brain injury (ABI) is injury or damage to the brain that can have any number of causes, such as stroke, a tumour or a road traffic accident. People with ABI have ‘acquired’ their brain injury, and weren’t born with it.
Autism – also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – is a developmental disability that affects how a person interacts and communicates with others. It encompasses a wide range of difficulties, such as cognitive impairment, repetitive activity, sensitivity…
Positive Behaviour Support
At Walsingham Support, we offer positive behaviour support to tackle challenging behaviour, encourage appropriate behavioural responses, and enable people to develop life skills so they can contribute to their communities.
Transition Support
Our transition support is designed to help individuals enjoy a smooth transition through major life changes: for example, through the move from children’s to adult services, or from the family home or residential college to independent living.
Personalisation is an approach to social care that focuses on putting individuals at the very centre of the support and services they receive.