North West
We have extensive experience of supporting people with: learning disabilities, brain injuries, autism, physical disabilities, sensory needs, epilepsy, diabetes and challenging behaviour, & additional mental health. We do this through a mixture of residential, supported living (and floating support services; we do not have this in the NW at present).
All of our staff are trained to have the skills required to support the individuals they work with to a level of excellence. The training we provide is as diverse as the people we support, and we endeavour to match the training delivered to the assessed needs of each person we support.
Our teams are led by managers who truly invest in their roles, and this is reflected in the levels of commitment and dedication of the staff teams.
As an organisation we actively support our staff to become experts and enable them to provide training or mentorship to others, this ensures speciality knowledge and guidance is always available when needed.
Our services in the North West are located in Carlisle, Egremont, Frizington, Whitehaven, Cockermouth, Flimby, Aspatria, Moresby and Workington.
North West CQC Reports
Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England carries out inspections to ensure standards are being met. They inspect services against five criteria – whether they are Safe, Caring, Effective, Responsive and Well-led.
We are pleased to say that (all of our services have been given a good rating.
The supported living service has been rated ‘requires improvement.’) According to CQC “Good and outstanding care is centred on the individual, has clear and visible leadership, and has processes and staff that constantly explore ways to improve.”